Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

ep25 - Feel Like Shit? Listen to This



I open up in hope that you practice self compassion to yourself should you have a loved one sick, or struggling with the way you feel, or stuck in a rut it’s a natural human reaction to not be your happiest despite everyone telling you - that you must feel happy 24/7 - 7 days a week let’s face it no matter how hard we try we might suffer a loved one getting sick and that can affect the way we feel when we go to visit them at the age care or hospital so even though on social media we only post the good times the happy times that’s only a moment in time when we are sharing what we love and then there is a whole other side to our lives as influencers, bloggers, Author, speakers that you don’t get to see. I share how I am happy and present and in the moment when I am visiting Spa Resorts in the Maldives. But I also have times when I am not creating the @spaitgirl_travel #igtvtravelshow that I am not as upbeat and happy and this is when I am visiting my Mum at the age care home and seeing her sadly in Chronic Pain