Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

ep23 - Get a Better Night’s Sleep & Achieve Better Brain Health with Gabi & Linda from Brain Education TV



Are you feeling Stressed? Finding it hard to fall to sleep at night because you mind won’t stop thinking? Have you always wanted to Meditate but don’t know how?  Are you suffering bouts of burn out because you are trying to work full time and then work your blog or Instagram page on the side. Are you feeling overwhelmed and like there is never enough time to simply chill. Would you like to become more Mentally, Emotionally stronger?  Are you finding it hard to let go of the past or holding on to traumatic events but want to heal? Do you want to learn practical tips when it comes to having to deal with negative people in your job, at home, school and in your day to dag life? Then now is the time to Tune into Episode 23 of The Spa it Girl Talk Show as I catch up with Gabi & Linda from Brain Health TV to find out how we can improve our Brian Health and the tips they offer up don’t cost thing totally free you seriously don’t want to miss listening into Episode 23. Subscribe to the Spa it Girl Talk Show podcas