The James Altucher Show

377 - Roy Niederhoffer: Trading Against Your Instincts: How to Make Money in The Market



This is a must listen for anyone interested in money, wealth creation, investing strategy, crypto, psychology, economics, etc. Roy Niederhoffer is a super investor. And founder of a billion dollar hedge fund. He started earning six-figures at age 13! He taught himself how to code and then started a software company with his friends. He used the money he made to fund his education at Harvard, where he studied neuroscience. And now he applies what he learned about the brain and human behavior to the market. And it only gets more impressive when you find out that he really came from humble beginnings (his father was a cop). So, this interview will cover everything from investing strategy to the future of currency PLUS book recommendations, methods to stay motivated and more.     Also Mentioned Monroe Trout Toby Cravel Paul Jones  Space Invaders video game TSR-80 Pac-Man Ms. Pac-Man Scott Adams Beethovens’ Symphony No. 5  Daniel Kahneman author of “Thinking Fast and Slow”  “The Blank Slate” by Steven Pinker Jose