The James Altucher Show

376 - Seth Godin: Go Back to What Lights Your Heart on Fire: This is What Makes a Hit



Seth Godin is best known as marketer and an author. But I think of him as one of the great thinkers we have today. He doesn’t create for the masses. He creates for a core group of people. Seth says to imagine this (it’s the essence of his creation, his art and his business): “You have a microphone, what are you going to do with it? My formula is I wake up in the morning and think about the people I seek to serve. That’s all I do. And I don’t reverse engineer it. I make it so that I can actually do my work.” He asks himself, “What change am I trying to make here?” And he wants you to ask yourself this, too.   Links and Resources “Purple Cow” by Seth Godin “Gracefully” by Seth Godin Akimbo (Seth’s new podcast)  Seth’s blog "This Might Work" by Seth Godin Seth Godin’s online course Alt-MBA    Also Mentioned Krista Tippett and her podcast “On Being”  Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast “Revisionist History”  The Davinci Code Gangnam Style Chris Anderson Kevin Kelly’s article “1,000 True Fans” “The Tipping Point” by Malcol