

Scaling Up   Take away: Putting the right people systems and processes in place is critical for reducing the burden on the business owner, improving profitability, and allowing the business to run more smoothly and successfully. Implementing these structured people management practices is key to achieving sustainable growth.   Money Learnings: Corwin's early childhood was marked by financial abundance - his father was very successful in agricultural sales and lived a lavish lifestyle with private planes, a car collection, and more. However, when his father's company was sold and he lost his job, the family then went through periods of extreme "famine or feast" as his father's subsequent business ventures failed. Corwin's mother worked full-time in low-paying jobs, but her income was not enough to provide financial stability for the family. This upbringing of oscillating between wealth and scarcity instilled in Corwin the perspective that money is hard to come by and that financial situations can drastically c