Ruthless Compassion With Dr. Marcia Sirota

165 - Revolutionary Optimism with Dr. Paul Zeitz



Dr. Paul Zeitz is a preventive medicine physician, epidemiologist, author, and award-winning champion of global justice and human rights. He has been on the front lines of the global AIDS movement, climate transformation, racial and gender equity, authentic democracy, sustainable development, and child welfare in the U.S. and around the world. Often when the odds against success appeared to be insurmountable, with Dr. Paul’s leadership and support, barriers fell and victories arose. Through his many challenges and experiences, he also learned to fail forward! Dr. Paul is sparking personal and global conversations to heal and repair ourselves, our relationships, and awaken political imagination and stimulate a new vision of peaceful, revolutionary transformation. His committed work over the past thirty years reveals a deep truth: When we look within and approach our personal healing work with self-compassion and love, we strengthen ourselves and are better able to extend a hand and heart of peace to others—to