Schofield Chiropractic Training Podcast

Team Bonuses, Delegation, and Office Efficiency: Your Questions Answered



In this episode, Dr. FJ addresses some of the most common questions he's received from fellow chiropractors, offering expert advice on optimizing team performance, delegating responsibilities, and designing an efficient office layout. Bonuses for Your Team: When should I bonus them? Dr. FJ explains the ideal timing for awarding bonuses to maximize motivation and performance. How should I bonus them? Discover effective strategies for structuring bonuses to align with your practice goals. What are alternatives to bonuses that are still encouraging for your team? Learn about other ways to reward and encourage your team beyond traditional bonuses. Delegating Financials to Your Staff/Team: Can my staff do the financials? Dr. FJ discusses the feasibility and benefits of delegating financial tasks to your staff. Why is it beneficial to delegate this? Understand the advantages of freeing up your time by entrusting financial responsibilities to your team. Should I train my Associate Docs for this? Explore whether t