Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

541: 5 Things to Finish This Week (Mindset & Self-Care)



Do you finish your projects or do you postpone them indefinitely? It’s important to finish projects off in order to open up doors to new opportunities. Megan shares 5 things you can finish this week to reap the rewards waiting for you. Finishing off work projects can be hard. It’s sometimes easier to get started on an exciting new idea, but seeing it through to the end requires perseverance. Besides work, there are other things in our life that often get put on the back burner. But what if we just finished them? Stubborn admin tasks, home projects and other to do list items. Imagine the relief you’ll feel if you finish off one thing this week. Action Plan: 1. Finish off a house project: make it small and manageable like tidying up a drawer before moving on to bigger tasks. 2. Finish off a work project. Especially as an entrepreneurs, we tend to collect unfinished projects. If you’re putting something off the whole time, is it really worth your time at all? 3. Finish off a conversation with a family member, fr