

How to Master Your Financial Psychology   Take away: Developing an internal locus of control, where you take responsibility for your financial outcomes instead of blaming external factors, is a powerful mindset that can lead to significantly improved financial behaviors and outcomes.   Money Learnings: Brad grew up in a lower-income family, with his parents divorcing when he was young. Both sets of grandparents lived in trailer parks, so he was very aware of the challenges and limitations of being poor. This drove Brad to want to figure out how to not experience the same financial struggles as his family. He developed an intense interest in understanding the psychology behind why "reasonably intelligent people do something so stupid" with their money. Brad credits this early curiosity and drive to understand money as the foundation for his later career path in financial psychology and his mission to help people improve their financial behaviors and mindsets.   Bio: Bradley T. Klontz, Psy.D., CFP® is an expert