Nz Everyday Investor

3 Inconvenient KiwiSaver Truths Ep 420 / Ben Brinkerhoff



When it comes to retirement, or 'transitionment' if you prefer, KiwiSaver can be a core ingredient, but many of us treat it as a bit on the side. It's important to consider the most common pitfalls that can undermine your efforts and leave you short at your retirement . In a new world now more expensive than what you originally though, you need to get this one right. Read MoreBook in a free, 45 minute KiwiSaver chat with me today.Ben Brinkerhoff is the head of advice with Consilium*. *The information contained in this recording is intended to be of a general nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person, and does not constitute financial advice. Consilium NZ Limited is the issuer of the KiwiWRAP KiwiSaver Scheme. For more information on KiwiWRAP KiwiSaver Scheme including a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement,visit us at The Home Buyers Blueprint: Get a better home; Get a better mortgage.Sign up to