

You're Not Broken   Take away: Your past does not define your future. You can create the life you want without having to "fix" yourself, and that true abundance comes from recognizing the richness that already exists in your present circumstances.   Money Learnings: Growing up in New Zealand, Chris didn't receive much education about money management. The common mindset was to trade time for money, with the belief that you could never have enough. His understanding of money was focused on getting a good job, working hard, and trying to get paid as much as possible. It wasn't until Chris was around 11 years old that he witnessed a family friend buy a nightclub, which was the first business owner he knew personally. This event opened his eyes to the possibility of starting a business and doing something different. However, Chris grew up in a more socialist society where the focus was on ensuring the "little guy" didn't get left behind, rather than encouraging entrepreneurship and wealth creation. This created a