Holmes Movies

Trilogies - Episode 4 - The Jack Ryan Trilogy



Welcome to the 4th episode of our Trilogies series. We hope you enjoyed our last episode where we looked at The Dollars Trilogy from Sergio Leone. On this episode, we look back at some favourites from our childhood that we watched quite a bit on VHS. We are going to be looking at the original Jack Ryan trilogy that consists of The Hunt For Red October, Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger that starred Alec Baldwin and Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan. The main character created by thriller author Tom Clancy who appeared in multiple books by the author. The three early Jack Ryan films were seminal thrillers of the early to mid 90s. Proper Dad thrillers. Fun and memorable films with excellent all star casts that included actors such as Sean Connery, Sam Neill, Tim Curry, James Earl Jones, Scott Glenn, Fred Thompson, Sean Bean and Anne Archer. All three films are well directed by directors who understood the action and thriller genres: John McTiernan and Phillip Noyce. There's always some political and spy intri