Airing Pain

144: Dilemmas in Pain Research



Airing Pain 144: Dilemmas in Pain Research  This episode of Airing Pain focuses on the challenges that researchers must overcome when researching pain and developing new treatment approaches. Many questions remain unanswered in the field of pain research. For example, we might know that a treatment works for some people living with pain, but we might not know how it works or why some people benefit and some do not.  So, there is a lot of research being done to try to better understand pain. This leads to another problem: how to cope with the amount of new information emerging from research and trials? It is important that new research data is made more accessible for clinicians, healthcare workers, patients, and researchers. Data is no use unless it can be assessed and summarized so that doctors can understand how to use it to benefit their patients.  Our contributors for this edition are leaders in this field and they discuss some of the issues they have encountered whilst conducting their research into