Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/12/24



On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, something is happening right now that hasn’t happened in America for more than half a century – Russian warships are sitting 200 miles off the coast of Florida in Cuba. They don’t fear President Biden. What happened to the Monroe Doctrine? Russia and China are now in our hemisphere. Biden’s not worried because his entire focus is on Israel. Biden and Antony Blinken treat Hamas like they are a legitimate organization and have become their special pleader. Later AG Merrick Garland was held in contempt of Congress for not handing over the Robert Hur/Biden audio. That audio must be so damning for Biden. This is a coverup and the Democrats are bending over backwards to protect Biden. Afterward, 8 ISIS terrorists entered through Biden’s open border. Thankfully they were caught but it's not possible to find all of them. Out of the millions of illegal immigrants coming in, do you really think there are only 8 terrorists? Biden is opening Americans to terrorist attacks with his open bor