

Human Life Value    Take away: The importance of doing deep inner work to uncover and let go of limiting beliefs and childhood traumas that may be unconsciously shaping our perspectives, actions, and ability to trust ourselves and others as adults.   Money Learnings: Michael Isom started working at a local motorcycle dealership when he was in 7th grade, earning $2.25 an hour. He used the money he earned to pay for things he wanted like clothes for school, motorcycle parts, and dating expenses. In his senior year of high school, he paid his mom $100 per month in rent to help out the family. Michael attributes learning the value of money from his ability to earn it himself and spend it as he wished from a young age. He emphasizes that there is no substitute for allowing kids to earn and spend money themselves to truly understand its value. This was a key financial lesson he learned growing up and something he practiced with his own children as well.   Bio: Michael Isom has dedicated his life to empowering conve