Money Matters With Wes Moss

From Rejection To Financial Freedom: The Minority Mindset With Jaspreet Singh



Jaspreet Singh’s parents gave him two choices: become a doctor or be a failure. Understandably, he chose medicine, but deep down, he knew it was for all the wrong reasons. People like Jaspreet are born entrepreneurs. They just see the world a little bit differently. He inherently knew he could be happier and make more money doing something else, and he tried just about everything. From drumming to an event planning company to law school to real estate, one thing became clear—he needed more funding. So, he came up with a unique idea: a water-resistant athletic sock. He used this innovative product to raise the capital he needed. When a marketing scam lost him thousands of dollars, he started an educational social media page called The Minority Mindset to help other outside-the-box thinkers avoid making the same mistakes. To his surprise, the YouTube Channel hit 100,000 subscribers, so he put the sock back in the drawer and dedicated himself to making financial education fun and accessible. Today, The Minori