Harvest: Greg Laurie Audio

The God of Second Chances | Sunday Message



If it weren’t for second chances, we’d all be in spiritual danger. But our God is merciful and generously offers not one, not two, but multiple chances—even if it’s undeserved. Pastor Greg Laurie reveals more about this God of second chances in today's episode. Notes: Forgiveness is available for every person, no matter how far they have fallen. David stayed close to God and wanted to honor Him.Psalm 57:7 Read: 2 Samuel 11:1–5 When things are going reasonably well, we often begin to lower our guard, and then the devil attacks. David’s fall came after great spiritual success. The sins we commit today may come back to haunt us tomorrow. David was allowing lust to consume his life. God has given a sexual drive to every man and woman, which is to be fulfilled in a monogamous marriage commitment. When a man is filled with lust, it cannot be satisfied with more lust. You don’t feed lust; you starve it! David was sleeping when he should have been fighting. Mark 6:31 If we don’t come apart and rest, we will come apar