Schofield Chiropractic Training Podcast

The Game of Life: Elevating Your Chiropractic Practice from Within



In this powerful episode of the Schofield Chiropractic Training podcast, coach Dr. Fred delves into the fundamental connection between your inner game and the success of your chiropractic practice. Dr. Fred shares his wisdom on the importance of understanding and harnessing the lifeforce within you to achieve greatness. Your practice is a reflection of your inner game. What game are you playing? Dr. Fred emphasizes that the game of life is a chiropractic fundamental, driven by the lifeforce that maintains your existence. He explores how this lifeforce communicates through visualization and the crucial balance between work effort and mental effort. Learn about the pitfalls of pushing too hard and how doubt can creep in when you solely focus on the sympathetic side of your physiology. Discover the concept of Alpha Coherence Technology, which involves waving and focusing on execution rather than outcomes. Elevate yourself by starting with affirmations—alter your image, frequency, and vibration to bring magic int