Ripley Radio

Growing Your Own Boat and Visiting the Garden of Eden - Episode 186



Richard Reames grows boats and chairs! He plants trees in a pattern, waters and waits as they grow into what he wants them to be. He visits Ripley Radio, the official radio show of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! this week and tells us how, and why, he does this. Chad Lewis takes us on a road trip to Southern Wisconsin, where he discovers the Garden of Eden. Additional weird, crazy, strange and wacky stories on the May 5 Edition of Ripley Radio includes: Skidmore College is offering a summer course based on Miley Cyrus. Ralf finds out it’s much more than a class on popular culture when he talks with the assistant professor who will be teaching it; Angela reports on a new cell phone fit for the spies amongst us – it self-destructs if tampered with; Chad Lewis tells the tale of a mansion that purportedly grew and shrank on its own, and nobody could figure out how it did it; In her Weird Medical Malady Minute, Jodi Pliszka informs us if the doctor can’t figure out what’s ailing you, check out what alien objects