The Dating Den

Life Check Yourself Episode 457- How I learned to Make More Friends with Florence Ann Romano



In this week’s episode, I welcome Florence Ann Romano to the Life Check Yourself studio. Florence is a renowned personal growth strategist, author, philanthropist, and businesswoman. Known as the "Windy City Nanny," she has spent over 15 years as a childcare provider and is an expert on childcare, family, and village support. We dive deep into the significance of creating and maintaining a supportive community, the challenges of asking for help, and how to embrace change for personal growth. Florence's insights are not only inspiring but also practical, offering actionable advice for anyone looking to enhance their life and relationships.   Building Your Village The Importance of Asking for Help Embracing Change and Personal Growth   Building Your Village (00:07:16 - 00:08:33) The concept of building your village and the roles that different people play in your life. It emphasizes the importance of identifying and casting the right people into roles that support and uplift you. "I want you to think of