The Strange Case Of Starship Iris

2.05 The Museum Heist



To get a lead in solving the mystery, it’s time for a good old-fashioned caper. To access episode transcripts, visit Content warnings * swearing * brief instance of toxic masculinity (from an unnamed character) * discussion of fraught family dynamics Starring Cody as Dwarnian Crew Member Davell Toles as Hreshfal Lee LeBreton as Shrefgel (Secretly Chiss’Vatham) Brittony LeFever as Krejjh Jamie Price as Brian Jeeter Chris Choi as Jin Seon Park Jackie Andrews as RJ McCabe Ishani Kanetkar as Arkady Patel Rukhmani Desai as Sana Tripathi Cindy Chu as Violet Liu Julia Morizawa as Piper Tanaka Lucille Valentine as Kestrel Colvin Jesse Michael Hann as Museum-Goer Alex Montgomery as Officer Clemens Jo Chiang as Other Violet Sound design, mixing, and editing by Hannah Cross and Erin Baumann Written by Jessica Best Directed by Jeffrey Nils Gardner Opening credits music is “Fear for the Storm,” written by Jessica Best