Holmes Movies

The Movies And Me - Episode 4 - William Darbyshire



Welcome to the fourth episode of The Movies And Me, a new podcast project of ours where in each of these episodes we sit down and talk with a filmmaker or someone who works in the film industry about their newest and latest film project or just a big cinephile in general who just lives for movies. We also ask about and discuss their four favourite films that have inspired them to go out and have a career in film or just at the very least inspire them.On this episode, we are delighted to chat with filmmaker William Darbyshire, Anders's old friend from Met Film School in London. After graduating from Met Film School in 2013, Will started making films for his YouTube channel. He has earned quite a large following with amassing over 615,000 subscribers. The work that he did through his channel showcased unique and profound views on travel, relationships and mental health. In 2016, Will reached out to his followers to send him their intimate thoughts about their relationship experiences, in the form of written let