Top Of Mind With Julie Rose

Inside the Changing Role of Fathers in America



What does it mean to be a father in 2024? In most U.S. households today, the role of fathers is changing. The “primary breadwinner dad” is increasingly rare, while the "primary caregiver dad” is becoming more common. One-in-five stay at home parents in the US is a father. And dads are generally doing a lot more childcare and housework than their fathers and grandfathers did. But women still do twice as much housework as their husbands, so it’s not uncommon to see tempers flare online when fathers get praised for parenting while mothers don’t. How are American families navigating these changings? In this podcast episode, we talk with a working father who wanted to be more involved than his own father – but still had to overcome some biased assumptions about household duties. We talk to a stay-at-home dad about the decision he and his wife made more than a decade ago to have him be the primary caregiver for their children. And then, a single father with full custody of his three young kids talks about what the