Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta

561: What Meta Told Me To Do To Grow On Instagram (+ How My IG Growth Got Me a Book Deal) with Sophie Sadler



In episode 561, Megan chats to Sophie Sadler about the strategy she implemented to rapidly grow her IG followers based on what she learned from Meta (Facebook) during multiple calls. Sophie has been baking and cooking from as early as she can remember. From helping as a child in her Oma's kitchen in Germany to starting her own cupcake catering business and working in a handful of restaurants and bakeries while attending college in the USA. 8 years ago she found her calling with her authentic German food blog dirndl kitchen. Sophie has launched two online courses this year on German baking and will publish her first German cookbook in 2025. In this episode, you’ll learn about Sophie ‘reel’ strategy including how to keep up with posting daily, overcoming creative blocks and focusing on serving your audience by being real and raw instead of wasting time perfecting content. Key points discussed: - Consistent daily posting on Instagram is key to rapid growth: You can rapidly increase your following if you post con