Unleash Your Greatness With Brett Campbell

Ep 018: Why You Should Just Let It Go



Grab your copy of Brett's Book --> http://brettcampbell.net/book Hello Brett Campbell here, and today I want to talk about a topic that not a lot of people would even enter into the woods to even start thinking about, and it’s the topic of what are the things in your life that you’re currently holding onto, right? The things that that you’re currently holding onto that are not serving you. The things that are stopping you from achieving what you want to achieve. The things that are stopping you from achieving your life mission or living your life’s purpose okay. I want to share with you a quick story. It’s quite funny actually, but the message in itself is all about what are you currently doing that you must, you must right now after watching this video and understanding what I’m about to say, what is it that you are going to just cut right now? You’re going to draw a line on the sand. You’re going to go “You know what right from now from this second moving forward I’m no longer going to do X.” Share with you