Screw It, We're Just Gonna Talk About Spider-man

Human Milksop: Human Target Regular Series 1-3



EPISODE 286 - After Vertigo published the four issue Human Target mini series, and after the original graphic novel, they started a short-lived but excellent regular series. We cover the first three issues in this episode.  The first issue takes where things left off in the graphic novel (no spoilers, but Christopher Chance has forgotten he is Christopher Chance -- that's not a spoiler because that happens a lot) and gets The Human Target back to his bizarre status quo. Remember this is a guy whose self-chosen profession is to dress up as people that are being pursued by murderers so he can prevent the murder and defeat the bad (?) guys while almost getting killed himself. So, yeah, THAT status quo. Issues 2 and 3 deal with a little lighthearted topic known as the 9/11 attacks on America. Our story is about  a man who uses the attacks as a chance to fake his death and remove the problems of his life from his family. He does it for noble reasons. Or does he? Hint: no.  We still have writer Peter Milligan and a