Zoe Nightingale

HUMANITY OVER TRIBALISM - BASSEM YOUSSEF - The John Stewart of the Middle East - Serves Up Some Food For Thought



As a Jew raised and Jewish blooded human - who loves Israel and comes from Zionist grand parents -  talking about Israel / Gaza / is hard. It just is - and as someone who prides themselves on speaking my truth - regardless of consequences - I am embarrassed to say that I have  been avoiding this topic at least publicly - on the internet - because DUH this is scary to talk about.  I made like 7 podcasts after October 7th - AND I WAS TOO CHICKEN SHIT TO POST them - because I was scared / I just felt like I needed more education before saying ANYTHING that would publicly anger people more than I already do. I know. It's gross and I geuinely am embarrassed about it. HOWEVER.... let's DO THIS.... I proudly stand by Bassem - and anyone fighting for human decency - and peace.  Since I could think independently - I have spiritually and mentally rejected the propaganda that was shoved down my throat in Hebrew School - and I reject it now.  Being a Jew does not equal being a Zionists. I do not want to be a hurt person