Jean Macdonald's Podcast

How to manage Family and Friends for a Peaceful Life



In the 'Six Steps to Take Back Control of Your Life: Friends and Family' episode with Jean Macdonald and Melanie Hill, they explore how family and friends can sometimes become barriers that hold midlife women back. Delving into the complexities, they discuss why these relationships, often thought to be positive influences, can have lasting effects that hinder personal growth.Jean and Melanie shed light on how raising children can leave deep impressions, even scars, on both parents and kids that persist throughout their lives. They reflect on the truth behind the saying 'blood is thicker than water,' emphasizing how experiences shape us in profound ways, often beyond our conscious awareness.Examining the lack of formal training for parenthood, they highlight the absence of preparation for one of life's most significant responsibilities. They touch upon how our upbringing influences our approach to relationships, often mirroring our parents' attitudes, experiences, and blind spots.