Zoe Nightingale




Greeting and salutations my fair weather friends, apologies for my absence, but I needed to take a break from my own brain and reorient my north star. However, I'm back! This is my first humble offering, coverage of the best day of all time, the day that Joe Biden officially won the presidency, and NYC erupted into actual flames of celebration. THIS IS OF COURSE 4 YEARS AGO - THE QUESTION IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW. CAN WE DO IT CAN WE ACTUALLY ELECT A POWERFUL BLACK WOMAN AND MAYBE ACTUALLY GET RID OF ALL THESE OLD WHITE SCHMECKLES AND DO ANYTHING FOR A TINY GRAIN OF SAND OF CHANGE? ANYWAY:  In my life, I have never seen this kind of joy. The moment he won, I swear to you, squeals, shrieks, honks, pots and pans clanging, laughter, screams, sirens all instantaneously rolled through NYC like a thunderous cloud blanketing every ear drum in jubliant glee. So, I bought 8 mid priced champagnes, put on a red white and blue outfit, painted stars in my face, put on my FUCK TRUMP NO LUBE camouflage trucker hat that I mad