Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone

The Debate Was Two Assholes Bragging About What Murderous Empire Sluts They Are



If you missed the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, this was pretty much the tone of it: Trump: She’s a communist. She’s literally a Marxist. Harris: Actually Goldman Sachs loves me. Trump: I saw her eat a cat. It was on the TV. Harris: Dick Cheney loves me too. Trump: She won’t kill any Palestinians at all. Harris: I’ll kill way more Palestinians than he’ll kill. Trump: I will kill the most Palestinians. I’ll kill more Palestinians than anyone. Harris: You couldn’t kill even one Palestinian. You are weak. Trump: I am not weak I am strong. I am the strongest. Harris: You’re a weak little girl and you’ll let China win. Trump: She’s gonna start a nuclear war with Russia. Harris: I will invade Russia myself and I’ll kill Putin with my bare hands. I am the strongest and you are the weakest. Trump: It’s not true. It’s not true. Harris: I will also do the most fracking and drill the most oil. Many Republicans have said I’m the strongest. Trump: No. No. She’s weak on immigrat