Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

What Life Is Trying to Teach You! Are You Listening?



Bob Olson from Afterlife TV has a new book that can help you discover what life is trying to teach you in your everyday experiences. Bob Olson believes that the Universe is trying to guide us and teach us life lessons through the experiences we have. This new Afterlife TV episode (Sept 2024) will guide you on how to identify these hidden messages from your guides and angels. Bob Olson's new book is "Insight From Hindsight: Stories that reveal what life is trying to teach you." Available in paperback, Kindle and audiobook. Bob Olson is a writer who aims to inspire readers to improve themselves, follow their passions, and make the world a better place to live. A former private eye, Bob used his investigation skills to explore the world with a new perspective, gleaming insight and wisdom about purpose, joy, and the afterlife. Bob is the author of "Insight from Hindsight: Stories that reveal what life is trying to teach you" (nonfict