Spacetime With Stuart Gary

94: Infant stars discovered near supermassive black hole



Stream episodes on demand from (mobile friendly) *Infant stars discovered near supermassive black hole Astronomers have discovered 11 newly formed infant protostars where they shouldn’t exist – right next to the monstrous supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy. The findings have shocked scientists as regions around black holes are wracked by powerful gravitational tidal forces and bathed in intense ultraviolet and X-ray radiation -- generating extremely harsh conditions which shouldn’t favour star formation. *Rosetta gives a recipe for making a comet. Scientists have developed the recipe for making a comet. The findings based on data from the Rosetta spacecraft provides the first quantitative analysis of the chemical elements that make up the cometary dust of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. *Buccaneer in stable orbit Mission managers at the University of New South Wales say the Buccaneer satellite has attained stable orbit and is operating nominally. Buccaneer was deployed aboard