Let's Fix Work With Laurie Ruettimann

031: Humanity Works with Alexandra Levit



How do you future-proof your business or career? Are robots taking over all our jobs? On the show today is Alexandra Levit, an author, speaker, influencer, and futurist. Alexandra helps us understand how leaders and employees can prepare to become more successful in 5-15 years time. Will you be in on the next big trend? Alexandra believes the future will be project-based business. Who is Alexandra Levit? She started her corporate journey back in 2004. She wrote a book called, “They Don’t Teach Corporate in College,” and taught young professionals how to succeed in Corporate America. That was when she realized how Human Resources would have a much more strategic function in the 21st century. As a futurist, Alexandra analyzes and makes predictions on how businesses can be successful 5-15 years into the future. The goal is to prepare these companies and their employees for better, more meaningful careers in the future workplace. Alexandra wrote, “Humanity Works: Merging Technologies and People for the Workforce