Taiko Skin

TaikoSkin Podcast Ep.14- 'Starting a Taiko Group'



Starting a taiko group? Needless to say, it isn't easy, but it's probably not as hard as you think either. We'll be giving a few tips and stories about starting a group over the course of a few episodes. In this first episode, we talk about the importance of finding someone to work with in getting your group going. We'd love to hear your experiences with your taiko group. Please do share them with us at taikoskinpodacast@gmail.com, or leave us a comment below.  Tip of the MonthReply to emails! And don't leave it aside for too long. Especially if you're in charge of your taiko groups' account. Your emails can make or break the chance of getting a gig. Video of the Month And here's the link if you need it: Amanojaku "Soul Beat" DVD Trailer For anyone starting/running a taiko group, here's a few links that may help out:  -Getting Taiko Gigs Podcast-Taiko Networking Podcast-5 Ways to Get More Performance OffersClick play below to hear the podcast, and if you're looking for our back episodes,