From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

You Have ALL the Power! Eliminate Pesky Entity Interference Forever!- with Michelle Manning Kogler



This call was HOT!!! Find out why....When entities leave the body, it become hot. Many of us EXPERIENCED this heat on the amazing call. These clearings will work for you too!   " Hi Eram, The top of my head feels heavy and hot, like there is a heavy metal cap on the top of my skull , every other part of me feels good." ~ Julia         " It feels lighter, but I'm dizzy and when I released I felt like I had to stop it, because I felt so sad that it left. I felt like there was fifteen entities and also a HUGE one, tall and howling with sadness. Now I'm still hot, but I feel taller and lighter and more... Stretched in a way. THANK YOU. I'm still worried it's not gone, but I hope it will stay away." ~ Margeretha   "- That was awesome. Didn't experience anger and frustration. Experienced body shaking during release. Then lots of love during very last part of process. Thank you." ~ D H                   Listen to this incredible call to FINALLY learn the Simple and Effective Ways to Prevent and Remove Entity Attachm