From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Unseen Entity Removal- with Tarek Bibi



Tarek did powerful healings and activations! Including a powerful 888 activation!   No one has ever described my experience so succintly! Thank you for bravely shining Your Light Tarek and Eram! I am so appreciative and grateful to share in this call, and am going to share it with everyone I can! Namaste' ~ Serenity eram what this speaker says resonates as if I talk and tell you how my life has been till now, wow amazing ~ Atie As soon as the call began and Tarek spoke on this subject, I started crying so hard, knowing that this resonated with me after a very unusually dark month. The healing immersed my body, soul and the world around in bright sunlight. The light is sparkling here, full of love! Thank you, bless you, & lots of love to you, Eram and Tarek!! ~ Bettie     There’s a problem with a lot of healing…   You tell the healer what the issue is and they help you with that.   But what if you don’t know what the issue really is?   Maybe you’re being held back by negative energies, entities, implants,