From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

File Progress Consciously co-creating abundance through the eyes of the soul- with Leslee Nelson



Leslee Nelson has the ability to see beyond the world and into the subtle energies of others. This has led her to her amazing transformational conscious art called Templates of Light. Leslee tunes into the Universal energy and can see clearly and quickly energies in your field that are not allowing you to manifest your desires. And best of all her process of transformational work is with ease, gentleness and immediate results. Here are some excited comments from the webcast:   "Wow! From the moment the call started I could feel energy moving. I became relaxed and had goosebumps from head to toe. That group healing had me feeling completely electrified. I could feel my higher self-recognizing the light language and got happy and excited. What an amazing feeling. Thank you so much !" ~ Kathy   "I feel such a deep connection and vibration in my heart from the opening".~ Susan   "I got very calm hearing the light language​" ~ Bart   Create abundance and reconnect with your higher self…   While removing procrasti