From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Attract Abundance & Become Magnetic to Money!- with Carolin Hauser



Have you been trying all your life to get ahead financially?   Yet you always find yourself in circumstances that drain you and leave you worse off than before?   Humanistic Psychotherapist, Carolin Hauser will help you heal your money wounds and set yourself up for the financial success you’ve always desired.   You’ll discover how to be supported by the universe...   Plus how to drop the desperation and lose the helpless energy that keeps money away.   You’ll become a Money Magnet as you program your subconscious to attract the relationships and money you need (and deserve).   Each individual’s authentic and true self is the source of one’s own good – a place of unlimited abundance, creativity, courage, and joyful existence.     It’s time to attract abundance and become an intense magnet to money!   So if you’re ready to start writing a new chapter in your book of life... don’t miss this call!   And if you’re sitting there thinking “money’s not that important to me” or “being rich is greedy” then you reall