From Heartache To Joy - With Eram Saeed

Clear Your Blocks and Heal Using the Revolutionary Technology - with Brent Phillips



Brent is known for creating miraculous results with his powerful work...we EXPERIENCED a taste of what it's like to be AWAKENED during the process he led us through!   TRY IT YOURSELF!   It's sometimes difficult for people without years of training to experience the full benefits and create the life of their dreams UNTIL NOW!   Brent Phillips was a MIT trained engineer who suffered from serious health problems until he was introduced to energy healing (and it turned his life around).   He then spent years studying with various master healers and spiritual teachers to discover and reverse-engineer the scientific laws and principles underlying miraculous instant healing, financial abundance, loving relationships, and even enlightenment.   He’s now an award-winning and bestselling author that has invented the Formula for Miracles® audio technology which actually clears subconscious blocks while you listen to it (so good its patent-pending).   Listen to this call and see what happens when science meets spirit