Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 01-26-11 Part 3



In hour 3 they talk to GLBT dance artist and choreographer Joshuah Michael, also known as the artist Oh My Josh. Viz is a bit flirty at first, they get down to business. They discuss how Josh got his start as both a choreographer and musician. They also touch upon his transition from a contemporary Christian artist to GLBT dance artist. Josh calls Viz out and makes him ask the question he said he would ask before the interview. This leads to Josh admitting that he is a bottom live on the air. After the break they wind down a bit and Annie asks for a pair of Parker's underwear to huff before the end of the show. This leads Annie to tell Viz she needs to ask Josh for a pair of his underwear for him to huff. Viz does not think that would be appropriate.