Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 10-06-10 Part 1



This is a very special show for Viz and Annie. Viz tells everyone they hope everything works because updates were done in the studio. Viz tells everyone that Cole did not show again and says that Cole and Annie are being bitter. Cole was calling it 'Annie's show' and Viz mentions that it is their show and he would not be able to do it without her. He is thankful that she was their intern. Viz does feel that they still need to fill the 'dumbass' role. Viz doesn't think he could handle another woman in the studio during the show. He just wants someone willing to learn and have fun. Viz makes an announcement regarding a compilation cd contest that they will be conducting. After the break, Viz tells everyone that he is under sexed because he is itching to watch some porn that someone sent him before the show. They get on a discussion about sex in water. Viz thinks pool sex is hot and tells a childhood story about swimming and voyeurism. It leads to a conversation about water sports with a call in from Rusty for c