Let's Watch That Instead

Episode 16: 3D Print Your Dad



And the Award for Timely Content Uploads goes to... Well anyways we're here now, and we've got a doozy of an episode for you, wherein we tackle the most prestigious and worst written bad blurbs imaginable, the blurbs for the Oscar nominees. Be forewarned that much shade shall be thrown upon The Academy of Motion Pictures, The Seventh Day Adventists (sorry Deb), Racist Ass H. P. Lovecraft, Racist Ass Call of Duty: Ghosts, and former Australian Tennis Pro Mark Philippoussis. We're swinging wild here and hitting anything within reach. Also both of my pitches involve tennis courts for some reason, and both of Joe's pitches hinge on ancient Sumerian Gods, so... Yea, it's going to get a bit esoteric, literally. The Pitches This WeekHacksaw Ridge / The Breakfast of Champions: No Wait, the Other One - "That shit would curdle... literally." Manchester by the Sea / Innsmouth by the Sea - "Didn't the cat have an extremely racist name?" Lion / Saroo Philippoussis - "Is Mark Philippoussis actually made out of plastic?" La