What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#56 -- FBI Report vs Obama -- Hillary Lied vs No One More Qualified!



Recorded July 7, 2016. House Democrats BOOED Bernie Sanders because he wouldn't offer a timeline for endorsing Hillary Clinton... We, uh, "discovered" audio of that closed door meeting!  Timing is everything! The very day that an FBI report exposed Hillary Clinton for lying to Congress and America, as well as for being "extremely careless" and not a reasonable person, President Obama takes the stage with her and does his best Elizabeth Warren imitation, cheerleading about being"fired up" and saying "there has never been any man or woman more qualified for this office than Hillary Clinton — ever. And that’s the truth!” So either the FBI is covering up or President Obama is. Guess which one?  A new Guardian article polls Americans who think climate change is "missing" from the 2016 election, which we use as proof as to how unaware the American public really is and what was missing from media coverage -- and why. Natural selection might rule the day as high noon comes to the Republican Convention in Cleveland, w