What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#11 -- Bernie & Hillary: "93% the same??" NO! Look at their records!



This week Dr. Barry Kaufman was fired up due to two days in a row of omissions and bait-and-switch "journalism" from NPR radio! He starts the podcast by telling his personal experience of exactly what happens when you wear a Bernie shirt out in the world -- people notice and sign up to vounteer for Bernie! Darren and Dr. K discuss how frustrating it is to not hear Bernie's message even on NPR, and even more frustrating that NPR has made its mind up for the voters. There's a New York Times analysis that concludes  (wildly misleading) that Bernie and Hillary voted in synch 93% of the time during their two years in the senate--but does that mean they are really "very similar candidates" as progressive talk show host Tho Hartmann claims? Dr. K goes into detail about how untrue that is! How does a pacifist like Bernie Sanders think he can be Commander-In-Chief? You'll learn how. At the end of the podcast, Dr. K makes a pledge to the first 25 people who arenot able to afford a Bernie Sanders t-shirt that he'll send