What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast




The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign saw an opportunity on the calendar and seized a chance for Bernie to give a speech and raise funds for his grass-roots campaign for election in 2016 as President of the United States. This podcast is Bernie Sanders through and through from beginning to end of one of his passionate, heartfelt speeches. In it Senator Sanders lays out his agenda and the issues he sees in America which must be addressed, with special emphasis on income equality, affordable healthcare for all and free public college education. The What Would Bernie Sanders Do podcast is usually ably helmed by Dr. Barry Kaufman. Dr. K is out of town wearing his Bernie shirt and spreading the word (and vacationing with his family). In attendance at Bernie's speech Monday evening were What Would Bernie Sanders Do host Darren Stephens and producer Ruth Kaufman, who give an introduction here. (To skip directly to Bernie, go to the 4:44 mark.) Listen to Senator Sanders, and Feel The (actual!) Bern!