Dr. Veronicas Wellness Revolution: Health And Wellness For The Real World

76: The Five Elements into Understanding One’s Self - Dr. Veronica Anderson



Do you want to find out what your element is? Dondi Dahlin is the author of the book, The Five Elements, which brings back the ancient wisdom where people are born with five personality types: water, wood, fire, earth and metal. She shows us that there is something more to a person’s individuality that is beyond what is in the genes. On this episode, she explains about the five elements that define a personality and influence a person’s health. She talks about how the elements are assessed and composed and how these elements help improve people’s health. Find out these elements and understand why people do what they do, act the way they act, and live the way they live.   Dr. Veronica Anderson’s Links: LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram   Time stamps: 08:29 – What are the five elements 10:33 – Where does the five elements system come from 12:08 – Composition of the five elements within a person 13:58 – How are the elements assessed 16:47 – Personality of a water person 17:51 – Personality of a wood