Barber Shop Podcast




When Joe Varga met Dan Fila in grade 2, one of Canadian metal's premier rhythm sections was born. A mutual love of music meant that frequent jams soon led to bands soaked in the tradition of Rush, Kiss, and the second wave of UK speed demons such as Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. Flash to the halcyon days of the late 80's and early 90's and the boys were pushing the limits with guitarists Sean Williamson and Adam Alex in VARGA, blowing people away with their own brand of thrash metal. Counting the likes of Dimebag Darryl and Rob Halford as fans, this was a group on a serious mission. A ton of touring, press and plain hard work saw them signed in the 90's to BMG - and the train was stopped by the corporate bandits just as the station appeared. After a layoff and time apart, Joe got the boys together to see how it would feel to play again - and it felt great. Freshly mastered, Kevin and Ryan have some brand new material from the anticipated double release - Enter The Metal and Return Of The Metal. Sounding