Barber Shop Podcast

The Vaudevillian



Growing up in the Southwestern Ontario tri-city area, Brendan Stephens was a quick study who had stubborn streak, and a knack for anything musical. Picking up the guitar at 12, gigging around town at 14, there was no lack of moxy in this kid. Upon informing his mother he was quitting school, his mom in turn informed him he was now paying rent. When he took his strengths to market, the result was a nice busking payday of $80, and the world welcomed another professional musician to the fold. Finding his sound somewhere between the roaring twenties and the White Stripes, an honest-to-goodness perfect hybrid was born in the guise of The Vaudevillian. Like a desert bowl dream, this sepia-toned music draws from the very roots of roots, the jump and hop of a bygone era meshing wonderfully with today's own stark realities. Recording RAGGED with a lusty vengeance, the debut album has all the hallmarks of a great fly on the wall recording. Serving as a revenue source and calling card, it soon led to more stops along a