Barber Shop Podcast

Alabama Clam Hash



Being fearless and finding your own voice is crucial if a young band is to get noticed in this mean ol' town. Keegan Early (drums) and Clive Dickson (bass) had an early and passionate affair with music, robbing their parents record collections of all the Sabbath and Stones they could carry. Clive has always been a disciple of the four string, playing in outfits throughout high school and taking the highly regarded Mohawk music program for almost three years. Keegan on the other hand, found the need for drummers paramount in his musical direction, eventually playing his way through the course, becoming increasingly proficient in the styles of many genres. Founding a band and playing out as a three piece, the two lads found themselves staying late after rehearsals, the freewheeling bass and drum arrangements growing in complexity and eccentricity. Always groove conscious, the seemingly inflexibility of these two instruments soon sprouted wings and as songs were formed, so was the DNA of Alabama Clam Hash. These