Barber Shop Podcast

The Shakers



You can't get more Hamilton than The Shakers, four guys from West Hamilton who turned heads and turned up the volume in the late 70's and early 80's. Forged from the very best of Hamilton stock, cousins Dave (Rave) and Claude Deroches made music in the family tradition, locking down the familial groove and patterns that laid a solid cornerstone. Hooking up with Ric (The Mayor) Andrew in the mid seventies, Dave and Ric immediately recognized the synergy and harmonies that emerged, blending the country, blues and early rock n roll with the emerging aggressive and oh-so-danceable style that they and fellow Steel Town stalwarts Teenage Head owned so completely. Guitar slinger Tim Gibbons, all too aware of the talent and verve displayed by this burgeoning group, gladly assumed the guitar duties that Gordie Lewis had subbed in for and voila!, the greatest flash bang of the decade was born. Scoring multiple radio charts and packing houses across the land, The Shakers burned hot and bright for half a decade, eventual